Your safety and our staff’s safety are our priority.
COVID-19 is severely impacting our world and the hospitality industry.
At our core, we believe in shared experiences, caring for our staff, and creating the most significant impact through our approach to hospitality. The decisions we’ve had to make during this crisis have tested our core, and we face impossible choices.
In deciding to re-open, we’ve carefully considered what makes sense for our restaurants, our communities, and our staff. We’ve worked hard to implement government requirements and are going above and beyond official guidelines. In this guide, you’ll find a summary of our new protocols and measures we are taking to keep you, our staff, and our community safe during COVID-19.
party size and seating
We will not be seating parties larger than 6 (children and babies count). We guarantee a minimum distance of 6 feet or more between tables. Any guests waiting to be seated should wait in their car or outside at a distance of 6’ apart from any other waiting party.
contactless exchanges
We are providing digital menus via QR codes as well as providing contactless payment options
uniforms and face coverings
All staff will wear masks and gloves. All materials will be washed over night and gloves changed on a regular basis.
regular sanitation
Staff is required to wash hands every 30 minutes and between customer interactions. Sanitation of shared surfaces and bathrooms will occur every 30 minutes and at table turns. Hand sanitizer and wipes available throughout restaurant. All restaurant will be thoroughly cleaned at the end of service.
staff health and wellness
All staff will go through an 11-point wellness check-in for any shift with temperature checks. No congregating and direct physical contact.
removal of pre-set items
All items will be set on tables after guests are seated and silverware/chopsticks will be pre-wrapped.